Friday, March 6, 2009


Hi everyone,just wanted to say hi and to say that the home improvements are almost done .
The painting and the floors are done.Looks good the spare bedroom now looks like a bedroom.
We are still looking for pine wood 30" doors ,very hard to get ????
The economy is on all our minds .Things
are starting to fall apart in this country
as well.Whats there to say about that other than these are scary times for all of us .Hope all is well with all of yous.Laura our daughter has sold her house in Lorette.She will be building next door in a few months.That will be so exciting
to watch the house go up and to have the grand kids in walking distance .We had a ice storm a few weeks ago and school was cancelled.The kids were to stay home,Eric is 13 and Megan is 9 but she called grandma to see if they could come over.So off I went on some pretty bad icy roads (I also had to see for myself how bad the roads were to see if I was going to go to work at 3:00 )Their dad was not happy that they called me , all went well and we had a good time played outside in the rain .Its just one of three ice storms that we've had this winter .I am a pro at driving on ice grrrr.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like some exciting things going on. Laura living next door to you sounds like so much fun. It's always nice to be on the finishing end of home improvments! Be careful in those storms. We are doing great! Yes the economy is doing bad here as I am sure you see on the news. So far we are all lucky and have jobs.

I am off to a cake decorating class tomorrow it last for three days. I am so excited you know that is one of my other pass times.

Hope all continues to be well

About Me

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I am married and have 3 beautiful daughters,and 8 adorable grand children.I work outside my home as a health care aid .I like to stay busy .I have wonderful friends I like to spend time with .I shop way to much for my own good .Oh and I love learning more about computers .


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