Thursday, January 29, 2009


We are still in the middle of our home renovations.
We are in the master bedroom now John will start painting
tomorrow Friday.The rugs will be installed on Thursday of next week .
John will be glad that its coming to an end .Because he bought himself
a 1999 truck at autopak auction, it needs some work and he's anxious
to get started on it . Oh I forgot he won't be finished just yet
cause I want all new doors to the bedrooms ,bathroom ,closets in the hall.
The grand kids are asking if I will be doing some snow sculptures ,they keep expecting to see something when they they pull in the yard .
I guess I got to get my butt out there . I am still having trouble with my blog .
Seems that it won't let me download pictures anymore ,I wanted to post a group picture of all the grandkids together ,I will keep trying.


Brandi said...

Try just posting one or two pictures at a time. Sometimes the picture is just to big or the connection is to slow. I am excitied to see pictures of the renovations and ice sculptures, you are so talented

Unknown said...

It is coming along. I think it just takes practice. i am working on the spelling and stuff like that. I always mess up! The kids are all growing so much I can't beleive it. I can hardly wait for more pictures. Love to see the home improvment pictures

About Me

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I am married and have 3 beautiful daughters,and 8 adorable grand children.I work outside my home as a health care aid .I like to stay busy .I have wonderful friends I like to spend time with .I shop way to much for my own good .Oh and I love learning more about computers .


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