Saturday, March 28, 2009


Looking at all those gorgeous cakes was inspiring.
The first day of spring break brought the grand kids for a sleepover.
Thus forcing grandma to think of what to do ,to keep Megan and Breanne entertained.
With no plan in mind , we made colored play dough.The girls measured the ingredients I started with a little yellow chick,and the girls were impressed asking how do I know how to do this ? ie my snow sculptures now my little chick .
I said that I start off with something in mind ,thinking I can do it and if it turns out good and if it looks like something else that's OK to.So now we have a little yellow chick what else ??
So Shirley this is where I thought of you and your gorgeous cakes.So I went to the cupboard and got some fun shaped foil cups.I had bought at the $store for such an occasion but of coarse, I had no eggs to make a cake .The girls didn't know what I was going to do but they took my lead and did great.Breanne's is a decorated Easter Egg, and Megan's has the bunnies on top of it . Mine is the one with the flowers on it I used pressed flowers from my yard.I showed the girls your video of your cakes they were oohing and oohing.Oh can't leave Riley out, he made a nice happy face .While we were looking at my blog, the girls found all my spelling mistakes so we did the edits .They hadn't seen my blog before.I explained it to them, and then announced to them ,that I now was a publisher (because I had to click the publish post ).They laughed and looked at me and said that I had to many mistakes .

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris, you took some great pictures! I think I could use the girls in my cake decorating... Preston played with my fondant the other day and used it as play doe He liked that he could eat it too. Spelling is not my strength as I am sure you can tell. So tell the girls I won't even notice.

About Me

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I am married and have 3 beautiful daughters,and 8 adorable grand children.I work outside my home as a health care aid .I like to stay busy .I have wonderful friends I like to spend time with .I shop way to much for my own good .Oh and I love learning more about computers .


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